In order to disable caching in the dispatcher, add the header "Dispatcher: no-cache", i.e. in your JSP:
response.setHeader("Dispatcher", "no-cache");
Note: This feature is only available in Dispatcher release 4.0.0 (and higher)
In order to disable caching in the dispatcher, add the header "Dispatcher: no-cache", i.e. in your JSP:
response.setHeader("Dispatcher", "no-cache");
Note: This feature is only available in Dispatcher release 4.0.0 (and higher)
Sling Models
Pure POJO’s(Plain Old Java Objects)
Annotation driven POJO’s. The class
uses @Model annotation & fields use the @Inject annotation
No default resource mapping
Sling Models are mapped automatically with Sling Objects
(resource, request objects..) and allow us to access jcr node property values
directly into java classes.
For Example:
@Inject @Named("sling:resourceType")
protected String resourceType;
Always extends from WCMUsePojo class
Can be standalone class with
@Model annotation
Supports only Classes
Support both classes and interfaces.
Overrides activate() method
init() method is invoked in @PostConstruct
@Reference to reference an OSGi service
@Inject or @OSGiService annotation used
No Exporter available by default
@Exporter annotation can
serialize the model and export it as a JSON file with Jackson exporter